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Feb. 3, 2022

Facebook Ads for ECommerce in 2022

If there’s one thing you can be assured of, about all else, it’s that digital marketing is in a constant state of change. While I guess many of us were all hoping the introduction of IOS14 this time last year was going to come and do its worst, then everything would settle down again, it looks like the truth is anything but.


However many ecommerce businesses are still seeing spectacular results from their Facebook advertising, by digging in deeper to the way Facebook and Instagram want you to engage with their platform. Others have seen huge drops in performance, often due to trying to stay up to date with the increasing dependency on organic social media. 


Today I’m joined by Susie Klaver, who is not only my daughter, but is one of our team, specializing in Facebook advertising  funnels for ecommerce. We talked about some of the surprising things she’s discovered in the last year, what’s working and what’s not, and what you can do to improve your own Facebook ad results. 

Plus we talk a little about the dynamic of working in a Family business, and what it’s like having to work for your mother!

Today we cover


  • What Susie enjoys about creating ads
  • What she finds frustrating 
  • The common mistakes she sees people making with their own  ads?
  • Why some people get better results than others
  • What people can do to improve their results?
  • What advice would you give to people running their own ads 


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